Partnership builds from Work-Based Learning Program

Published 9:26 am Saturday, May 4, 2019

By David Wolff, Neveln Principal, and Michelle Morehouse, Work-Based Learning Coordinator of Austin High School

Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Here at Neveln Elementary School, we’re working to develop partnerships to provide more opportunities to our students. One such program, between Neveln and Austin High School’s Work-Based Learning Program, is an exemplary display of leading by example in work experience opportunities.

Work-based learning is a collaborative effort between students, educators, and local businesses that provides young adults with knowledge in career readiness skills, real world application of classroom instruction, and motivation and confidence to embark on a chosen career path.

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The Austin Public Schools Work-Based Learning and Transition Program consists of exceptional students that are eager to gain experience that aligns with their career path goals, some of which include working with children in a school setting.

At Neveln, the students working in the Work-Based Learning Program are applying their academic and technical skills in a real-world setting and making a positive impact on our school and our students. Our Knights have benefited a great deal from the work of our high school volunteers. Beyond their work in our classrooms and our library, our high school volunteers have been role models of perseverance that inspire each of our Knights, showing them that they can do anything they put their hearts and minds to!

Helen Keller’s spirit of determination taught us that only together we are able to accomplish our goals. As Knights we live by this lesson as we welcome, learn, support, and celebrate together!