Austin Lions member honored
Published 8:27 am Friday, May 3, 2019
Austin Lions Club member PDG Lion James Dunlop was recently chosen as a Hall of Fame inductee from District 5M1.
Dunlop is a charter member of the Austin Morning Lions Club of which he has been a member for the past 39 years. He is also the only PDG in the club.
Over the course of these years, he has successfully filled numerous roles in both the club and at district level. He has accomplished many different Lions projects during his career in Lions and he has been a member of the Austin Go-Kart Unit for many years.
Dunlop was one of the Austin Lions that started the foundation for Lions Park and has spent many hours helping to improve and maintain the park. He was instrumental in getting the new handicap accessible playground equipment in the park, which cost over $100,000. Dunlop has held membership drives in the club and has been active on all fundraisers and committees.
He has also led the charge for a local diabetic to get a Can Do Canine Service Dog.
Dunlop is recognized because of his dedication to the Lions, his club and community. His actions have made him an inspiration. Through his work as a Lion, Dunlop has changed many lives and has been a positive motivator for the Lions.