Letter: Making a good thing better

Published 9:31 am Saturday, April 6, 2019

All parents are looking for the best possible schools for their children.  In the Austin area, we are very fortunate because our schools have a long tradition of excellence.  As I consider the proposed building levy, I see it as an opportunity to make something good even better.

My children have had a wonderful experience in the Austin Public Schools.  The teachers and staff are focused on helping students be successful and it shows. Unfortunately, not all children are being served because of a lack of space in the current leased facility. All students in our district deserve the very best start in their education.  An Early Learning Center attached to Woodson provides for amazing programming in one location for our students from birth to age six.

As a child, I attended early childhood classes with my parents when it was housed at Woodson.  I am thrilled by the possibility of attending ECFE classes with my youngest child, right back at Woodson where I enjoyed it so many years ago. It’s time to bring early childhood education back home to Woodson, a district owned building!

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The proposed Early Childhood Campus is another example of educational excellence. This solution to meet the needs of our youngest learners will provide a high quality educational start that will benefit us long into the future. I plan to vote Yes on Tuesday, April 9, and I hope that you will come out and join me.


Ashley McLaren

Austin, MN