Letter: Jeanne Poppe works for what is right

Published 8:23 am Friday, April 12, 2019

Not often do you run across an individual elected to office who takes a stand on a position that is not popular, but is the right thing to do. Jeanne Poppe is one of those individuals elected to office to do what is right for those who she represents.

This week she is faced with a tough vote about gun restrictions and she will be taking a position that she hasn’t previously taken. The past 15 years of serving in the MN House she has had a strong pro-gun record which has resulted in her getting an NRA rating of A. This year gun control has risen to a high priority. I remember the school shootings in Colorado, Connecticut and Florida. She remembers as well and will be voting yes on HF 8 (universal background checks) and HF 9 (“red flag” confiscation bill). Jeanne is an individual who votes on what is the right thing to do and not what is most popular in the moment. She has my support and I am grateful that we have Jeanne Poppe in St. Paul doing the right thing for all of us.

Roger Boughton

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Austin, MN