Don’t drink and drive: APS second graders pen letter to high school pal for safe prom

Published 6:41 am Tuesday, April 30, 2019

With Austin High School students having a night to remember over the weekend, their younger peers were sure to let them know how much they cared about them.

Austin Public Schools second-grade students had a chance to write a letter to each of the 430 students who were attending prom at the high school. Each wrote fun messages such as “don’t step on the girl’s feet,” make sure to go to the right bathroom and be sure to watch where they were driving.

This marked the third year that students wrote letters to each of the prom-goers, with letters getting distributed after the grand march by members of the Austin Positive Action Coalition. This was part of the Positive Community Norms (PCN) method the district was using to reduce illegal substance use.

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By using positive messaging, it highlights the fact that most students make good choices in regards to illegal substance use. Each student who attended prom received a message written by an elementary school student on their prom night. Additionally, some students even drew pictures for their high school friends.

“The messages are simple, let’s have fun but make smart and safe choices,” said Bill Spitzer, PCN coordinator. “Our goal is to highlight the positive.