Minnesota novel revisits meth crisis of the 90s

Published 6:58 am Saturday, March 2, 2019

By Euan Kerr

MPR News/90.1 FM

Hibbing native Raymond Strom’s debut novel “Northern Lights” revisits the dark days of the methamphetamine crisis in the 1990s. The novel reflects Strom’s own experiences growing up in small towns around Minnesota at the time.

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The book opens with a search.

Day was breaking when I rang the buzzer. Birds chirping, morning traffic sighing eastward, the sky lightening. When I was sure that my mother wasn’t home I rang the super and he showed up red-eyed and angry, wearing boxer shorts and an old T-shirt, the long white hair that circled his dome standing in an odd comb-over. I stuttered a hello and began to tell him why I had come.

“Wait,” he interrupted. “Are you a boy or a girl?”

“A boy,” I said, and then finished my story.

It’s 1997. Shane is a teenager looking for his mother. He wears his hair so long he’s regularly asked his gender. His father has died, and his uncle kicked him out of their house in Grand Marais in northeastern Minnesota the day he graduated from high school. All he has is a return address on an old letter from his mother, who took off years ago with another man. The address leads him to the town of Holm, Minnesota

“And when he doesn’t find her, he sticks around town looking for her and gets distracted by some friends and enemies,” said Strom.

He said there are a lot of distractions in “Northern Lights.” For one, there is Jenny, the academically smart and artistically talented young woman whose boredom leads to self-destructive behavior. Shane is attracted to her intellectually but realizes his love life may take another path. And there’s Sven, the town bully, who has it in for Shane.

The other distraction is drugs, Strom said, which were part of his life back in the 1990s.

“I did witness the effect of crystal meth on the Midwest,” he said. “Like, first through my own circle of friends, and then later in drug treatment centers that I went to, you know, to get off of it.”

Strom lived in many small towns over a relatively short period of time.

“We moved around a lot. My dad was in management of both Pamida and Hardees,” he said. “And when we were working with Pamidas, we went to a lot of towns that were competing with Walmart, so that is where the initial background came from. We eventually ended up in Cambridge, Minn.”

There he witnessed another incident that was to become part of “Northern Lights.” A student at the high school was suspended for driving around with a Confederate flag on his truck; he launched a First Amendment protest in town, attracting the attention of local TV.