Letter: Vote “yes” on Woodson referendum

Published 6:41 am Tuesday, March 19, 2019

We are writing this letter in support of our school district referendum. Education is an important part of our community and we want the best for our children.

We raised our three girls here in Austin and they all have benefited from the great education that they received. We would like to continue our tradition and expectation of excellence in education.

In order for the earliest learners in our Early Childhood programs to start their education, it is important to add classrooms to Woodson to meet their needs. Our School Board made this sound fiscal decision using input from a facility task force made up of community members and school staff. They also looked at the latest demographic study.

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One of the challenges with this referendum is that it is the only question on the ballot this April 9. It is imperative to get out and vote yes to support our children!  Every vote counts and is very important.

We believe the school board has carefully considered this issue and weighed all the options. The decision to add classrooms to Woodson will help take children off the waitlist who are currently not being served elsewhere. This decision is the most cost-effective way of insuring Early Childhood Education, which has been shown to be an important factor in a child’s success, for our young learners.

Our children’s education here in Austin is first-rate. Let’s continue this road of excellence into the future!

Thank you for considering voting yes on April 9 and being a part of supporting our excellent school system here in Austin.

Bonnie and Tim Rietz