Convictions: Feb. 3-9
Published 7:00 am Monday, February 18, 2019
Matthew Paul Armatis, 37, of Austin was sentenced to one year of probation for gross misdemeanor fifth-degree drug possession-possess schedule 1,2,3,4-not a small amount of marijuana. He must follow several conditions and pay $100.
Phillip Beasley, 32, of Milwaukee was sentenced to five years of probation for felony fifth-degree drug possession. He must perform 40 hours of community service and follow several conditions. He received credit for 32 days served. He received a concurrent sentence of one year of probation for gross misdemeanor carry pistol without a permit-first offense. He must follow several conditions and pay $585 in fines. Failure to follow the conditions could result in 365 days in jail. He received another concurrent sentence of one year of probation for gross misdemeanor giving a false name to a peace officer. He must follow several conditions. Failure to follow the conditions could result in 365 days in jail.
Ryan Forrest Heath, 40, of Austin was sentenced to two years of probation for gross misdemeanor DWI-operate motor vehicle-alcohol concentration 0.08 within two hours. He must follow several conditions and pay $1,010 in fines. Failure to follow the conditions could result in 180 days in jail. He received credit for two days served.
Anthony Wayne Ledoux, 36, of Austin was sentenced to 180 days in jail for gross misdemeanor driving after cancellation of his license-inimical to public safety. He must pay $85 in fines. He received credit for 142 days served.