Austin Daily Herald lists building for sale
Published 8:52 am Wednesday, February 27, 2019
The Austin Daily Herald has listed its office building and real estate at 310 Second Street Northeast in Austin for sale and will move to another Austin location following the sale.
The building and real estate are listed by Fawver Agency Realtors.

Austin Daily Herald Publisher Jana Norman
Publisher Jana Norman said the current building has considerable unused space and that the sale and move will enable the newspaper to “right size” in a new location.
“Changes in technology over the years mean we have fewer employees than in the past, especially in the production area,” Norman said. “As a result, we heat, cool, maintain and insure much more space that we need. Our existing building can be put to a better use by someone needing the additional space. And our mission can be best served by a facility that better matches the needs of a modern community media company.”
Norman said the future company is bright and while processes and space needs change, its mission remains the same.
“We have two important roles.” Norman said. “We exist to be a primary source of news and information to readers, hold institutions accountable and cause engagement in the development of our community. Second, we exist to guide our business customers to retain existing customers and attract new customers. No organization, local, regional or national, is better positioned to fill both roles.
“The newspaper, its related publications including Austin Living Magazine and the website continue to thrive and serve the Austin and Mower County markets.”