Letter: Steve Sandvik carries passion for the law

Published 6:30 am Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Dear Editor,

I am writing you in support of Steve Sandvik for Sheriff of Mower County. I have known Steve for about 28 years. The first time I met Steve, I was a deputy with the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office, assigned to the Patrol Division. Steve was a successful small business owner. One question lead to another and before I knew it, Steve was riding along with me, on the night shift, in my squad car. It was immediately apparent the world of law enforcement came naturally to Steve. He was more like a partner than a “ride along.” Steve had the uncanny ability to communicate with people. It didn’t matter their gender, race, ethnicity or age. Steve has the ability to understand people from all walks of life; to meet them on their own level on a variety of subjects.

Steve joined the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office as a Reserve Deputy. Steve worked as many hours as life would allow. He absorbed a wealth of information in Civil and Warrants, Courtroom Security and Patrol.

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Steve was passionate about law enforcement and soon enrolled in the Law Enforcement program at Rochester Community and Technical College (RCTC). At that time, I was also an Adjunct Instructor at RCTC. We had become good friends and I was proud of who he was as a student. He was a leader in his class and a mentor for some of the younger students.

Since joining the Mower County Sheriff’s Office, Steve has worked in the Courts, on the night shift as a patrol sergeant, investigator, and is currently the senior investigator. Steve has not lost the passion that he had when I first met him. Steve’s talents have not gone unnoticed. Sheriff Terese Amazi and Chief Deputy Mark May are supporting Steve in his bid to be Sheriff. Steve has worked in all areas of law enforcement and has a wealth of knowledge and experience that will make him a great sheriff for the people of Mower County.

Captain Mark Erickson-Retired

Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office

Rochester, MN