Get to know: Austin Senior Erin Bicker

Published 8:19 am Monday, August 27, 2018

Erin Bickler is a senior on the Austin girls soccer team.

Q: What sports do you compete in?

A: Soccer, hockey, and softball.

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Q: How did you originally get soccer?

A: I started in Washington when I was five years old and I kept coming back to practice because our coach gave us treats after.

Q: What’s your favorite sports memory?

A: Scoring in hockey to beat Albert Lea in overtime.

Q: What have you learned from sports?

A: I have learned a lot about how hard work can change you from being good to great and I have learned a lot about new people and making new friends.

Q: What is the hardest part about sports?

A: Losing games.

Q: How do you keep your focus when competing?

A: I try to only think about the play that’s happening and what’s going to happen next.

Q: Who is your biggest sports role model and why?

A: Mia Hamm because growing up she was always who I aspired to be like.

Q: What is your favorite movie or TV show?

A: “Friday Night Lights.”

Q: What is your favorite subject in school?

A: History.

Q: What is your dream job?

A: To work for the Minnesota Vikings.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Tortellini with chicken.

Q: What are your plans after high school?

A: I am going to hopefully play college soccer and major in sociology or communications marketing.

Q: What’s a fun fact about you or hobby you enjoy most people don’t know about?

A: I have a key chain collection form everywhere I have traveled.

Q: If you could have one super power, what would it be?

A: To be able to fly.