Photo: Eastern Star gives to Austinaires
Published 7:38 am Thursday, May 3, 2018
- Unity Chapter No. 29, Order of Eastern Star recently presented checks in the amount of $400 to the Austin High School Austinaires. This amount included a match from Minnesota Masonic Charities. Shown with members of the Austinairesis Mary Hanson, Worthy Matron and Neil Hanson, Worthy Patron, along with Brian Johnson, Director. Photo provided
Unity Chapter No. 29, Order of Eastern Star recently presented checks in the amount of $400 to the Austin High School Austinaires. This amount included a match from Minnesota Masonic Charities. Shown with members of the Austinairesis Mary Hanson, Worthy Matron and Neil Hanson, Worthy Patron, along with Brian Johnson, Director. Photo provided