Minnesota House, Senate strike deal on tax bill

Published 8:14 am Monday, May 14, 2018

ST. PAUL — Minnesota Republican lawmakers have agreed on a plan they say would cut taxes for 2.2 million residents.

The Star Tribune reports the deal reached Friday comes after the House and Senate reconciled differences between their two tax bills, which come in response to the federal tax overhaul.

House members’ original plan reduced the tax rate for people making between $25,891 and $85,060. The Senate plan lowered the rate for those making less than $25,890. In the new version, people in both of the state’s lowest income brackets would all see rate reductions.

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Minnesota Department of Revenue Commissioner Cynthia Bauerly says the new bill appears to be an improvement but it still does not include some of Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton’s priorities, such as expanding the “working family tax credit.”