Bike arch, sump pump inspections on council agenda

Published 2:01 pm Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Austin City Council will be voting to approve the construction of a bike arch during its next regular meeting on Monday.

The bike arch, which will be constructed at the Lions Shelter, is an art project developed by the Vision 2020 Bike/Walk Committee in partnership with the city of Austin, Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau and Riverland Community College.

The arch will consist of bicycle frames welded together end to end. City involvement includes approving the site, providing two used streetlight poles, constructing the bases and helping with the installation.

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The council will also be voting on approval of using contingency funds to replace the fire alarm system at Riverside Arena and on federal and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources recreational trail grant applications.

City Engineer Steven Lang will do a presentation during the council’s work session on a sump pump inspection program and how it pertains to the reduction of inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. He will also present the findings of a traffic study performed at the north side of the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Fourth Street Northeast, the site of the proposed Austin Recreational Center/YMCA project.

The council will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 5, in the Council Chambers located in the basement of City Hall. Members will meet for the work session immediately following the regular meeting in the conference room across the hall.