The staff making the house run

Published 7:01 am Saturday, November 4, 2017

I recently wrote about my first five years at the Hormel Historic Home. After reading the following words by George Hormel, I now want to publicly share my gratitude for the rest of the staff of the Hormel Historic Home.

Following the embezzlement by Cy Thomson which was discovered in 1921, George Hormel sent a letter of thanks to members of his staff for their show of support and encouragement during the uncertain time. He wrote on July 25, 1921 that, “No man makes a business. A sound, successful institution exists only by virtue of the caliber of men occupying the many positions of responsibility.”

I could write the same thing about my team members at the HHH using non-gender specific language, of course. Both of my full-time co-workers have actually served the mission of the HHH for longer than I have, and the organization is stronger for their presence.

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Amanda Barber began her job on a part-time basis in 2010 and performed mostly bookkeeping duties and wedding planning. Since 2012 she has been full-time and her role grows more valuable every day. In addition to her accounting responsibilities, she oversees all wedding and private event planning and provides a voice of reason in times of uncertainty. She has embraced all aspects of marketing the HHH and uses her creativity to promote our mission on social media. Amanda is passionate about preserving our history and wants all guests to feel at home. She is a pleasant and fun part of our leadership team.

Luke Harrington started as the banquet manager for the expanded event center in 2010. He currently manages banquet and bar operations, interior and exterior maintenance, and all the heavy lifting jobs. He is also the lead on bat patrol because the rest of the staff, being mostly female, can’t handle that part. His creative spirit often steers my sometimes chaotic ideas toward a realistic end. He is committed to helping the HHH maintain its historic integrity, and his ability to manage the service staff makes him a respected leader.

I don’t have space to list our service staff by name but I am also very grateful for their dedication to serving the HHH in the way they offer hospitality to all. Their attention to detail allows event hosts to feel confident in knowing that all will be set and orchestrated exactly as they planned. With friendly personalities and a commitment to excellence they help the HHH remain the positive community resource George and Lillian Hormel wanted their home to be.

There is no way I could have had such a great five years without this team. I hope they know how appreciated they are!

History Happy Hour: The History of Chautauqua in Austin presented by Dean Ulland

Social 5:30 p.m.; presentation 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 13

Chautauqua was a popular education and entertainment program nationwide in the late 19th and early 20th century, and thousands of people from Austin attended every summer. Free for HHH, Mower County Historical Society and Friends of the Library Members. $5 for non-members.

Hearth & Home Series: Surfacing Strengths through Challenge

10 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 21

Sandy Anderson will present how life transitions, unexpected changes, and relationships that challenge us can create opportunities to learn new skills and tap into undiscovered resources that allow you to respond with intention rather than just react to the circumstances before you. Free.