Police hear of more attacks on dogs
Published 12:15 pm Saturday, September 23, 2017
- Austin Police report they were told these chunks of meat with fish hooks in them were thrown into a yard where a dog began to eat them. Photo provided
Two more instances of someone enticing dogs to eat meat or chew on toys that had been tampered with have come to the attention of the Austin Police Department.
Police Chief Brian Krueger said he received a report of glass shards being found in meat thrown in a yard on Fourth Avenue Southwest on Wednesday. The shards had been pushed into the meat.
The dog’s owner took the dog to a veterinarian who pulled shards from the dog’s mouth. None had been ingested into the stomach.
That report follows one filed in early September when a family found their dog eating meat thrown into their yard that had been laced with fish hooks.
Krueger said he knew of a third incident, although no formal complaint was made, of a family whose dog fell ill.
Family members eventually found a tennis ball in their yard that did not belong to them. They believe the ball had been laced with a chemical that made the dog ill. Once they got rid of the tennis ball, the dog got well.
Two of the incidents happened in the southwest part of the city, but Krueger said that quadrant is very large and the incidents did not occur near the other.
He urged dog owners to keep a close eye on what their dogs are eating, and said anyone with information or have knowledge of other incidents to contact the department, at 437-9400.