TEDxHoracePark returns for third annual event
Published 10:10 am Monday, March 6, 2017
TEDxHoracePark – whose presentations engage and intrigue – returns to Austin for its third annual event from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 18, at the Riverland Community College West Building cafeteria.
Its theme, “More Brain Food,” will feature six live presentations, as well as videos from TED Talk.
“TED” stands for Technology Entertainment and Design whose talks, featured free of charge on YouTube, have reached worldwide popularity.
TEDx is a type of subset of the national program that is made up of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection.
“People find things, invent things, solve things in totally unique ways,” said lead organizer Penny Kinney, a self-proclaimed “TED junkie.”
Tickets, which are limited to a sale of 100, are $10 and are on sale at the Austin Public Library and Austin ArtWorks Center.
Austin’s event will feature six presentations plus several TED Talk videos from the national TED stage.
The line-up includes Brian Crabtree of Rochestr on clean water innovation; Terri Bergstrom Austin, on a body-minded approach to healing trauma; Nate Bailey of Dodge Center on becoming who you want to be via a special type of training; Gerald Meux of Austin on the explosive potential of teaching children how to build rockets; Danny Mishek of the Twin Cities on unique eco-gardening; and Peter and Henry Jacobs of Austin, who will demonstrate their father-son path to musical improvisation.
Kinney is leading the team of organizers for TEDx Horace Park and sees this annual event as a great way to share her enthusiasm for TED Talks.
“We are continuing our theme of ‘More Brain Food’ because is it such an ideal fit with our goal of introducing innovative ideas to stimulate conversations and potential action,” she said.
She noted that the presentations are relatively short and time is alloted for conversation.
Visit the TEDxHoracePark Facebook page for more details.
TEDxHoracePark sponsors include Austin Public Library, AACA, Riverland Community College, HYPE, Kevin Guy and Everything Hobby along with community volunteers.