Our Savior’s Lutheran Church calls on new senior pastor
Published 2:04 pm Sunday, February 19, 2017
The Rev. Chad Johnson has been called to the position of senior pastor at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Austin, officials have announced.
His first day serving the congregation will be Wednesday. He will lead services and preach on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 25 and 26.
Moving to Austin from Colorado with Johnson is his wife, Susan, and their five children, Koko, Norah, Merritt, Holland and Jewel.
A coffee hour and card shower to welcome the Johnson family will take place between services on Sunday, Feb. 26. His installation will occur at services on March 12, with a meal to follow after the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
Visit the church website,www.oursaviorsaustin.org for worship times and fellowship opportunities.