Travel show date set

Published 7:01 am Sunday, January 29, 2017

Save the date.

The date is set for our annual Travel Show and Coffee Party at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin on Feb. 15.

Celebrating 10 years of travel with the MCSC, we once again put on the coffee pot and have some goodies too.

Email newsletter signup

Remember to sign up for door prizes too. We also will have available early travel plans setup for 2017.

A calendar of trips along with  early sign-up sheets will be available. You do not need to be a member to come, as we  are always open to the public. This is the time to bring photos of past trips to share.

Time is 9 a.m. to noon, in the main dinning room.  It also might be a great time to look over the rest of our senior center, and see what there is to offer here.

To give you a sneak preview of trips planned to date:

•We will make a trip to the newly restored $310 million project with our state of Minnesota’s Capitol. A “gangster tour” of St. Paul will be included.

•Always popular will be some riverboat cruises and  dinner theater visits including several Broadway musicals.

•There will be several overnight trips including a fall leafing tour along the North Shore.

•Christmas extended trip.

•Another annual mystery day trip.

You get the idea. Come and check us out.  See you on the 15th.