Hello world; Weston Lang makes early appearance as the first baby of 2017

Published 11:12 am Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Weston Patrick Lang had his own ideas about when he should come into this world.

And, that was a lucky thing: By doing so, Weston earned his folks, Kelly and Mark Lang, a tote full of goodies and a Pack and Play crib.

Kelly and Mark Lang take a family picture with their newborn son Weston and two and a half year old son Brody.

Kelly and Mark Lang take a family picture with their newborn son Weston and two and a half year old son Brody.

“On our way to the hospital, we thought, wonder if we could be the New Year’s baby?” said Kelly, a teacher at Ellis Middle School in Austin. “And we said, ‘Oh, no, couldn’t be.’”

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As it turned out, that was exactly what Weston was: He was Mayo Clinic Health System-Austin’s first baby of 2017 when he was born at 1:27 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 2, weighing in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces.

The blue-eyed infant greets his brother, Brody, 2 ½, at home.

“I love my brother,” Brody confided when asked about his feelings.

Kelly and Mark expected to have Weston on Jan. 4, by C-section.

But Weston had other ideas and started making his presence known two days early.

Two and a half-year-old Brody Lang holds his new baby brother at the Mayo Healthcare System-Austin Tuesday evening.

Two and a half-year-old Brody Lang holds his new baby brother at the Mayo Healthcare System-Austin Tuesday evening.

Mark had just returned from his job with the Blooming Prairie Police Department the night before, when Kelly realized her water had broken. And soon, Weston was on his way, with the help of Dr. Ruth Pickering.

Proud grandparents are Dick and Patti Lang of Austin, and Tom and Mary Jo Klaverkamp of St. Cloud.