Dems to use hearings on Trump picks to court working class

Published 10:25 am Friday, December 16, 2016

WASHINGTON— Determined to hold around two dozen Senate seats in 2018, Democrats will use the coming series of confirmation hearings to try to distinguish themselves from President-elect Donald Trump’s billionaire nominees and convince working-class voters who elected him that he’s not on their side.

While Democrats have little leverage to stop the Republican’s picks in the Senate, they still plan a fight. To highlight what they say is the hypocrisy of Trump’s campaign promise to be a champion for the economically struggling little guy, they’ll focus on the nominees’ wealth, ties to Wall Street and willingness to privatize Medicare, among other issues. In some cases, they’ll seek to drag out the process by demanding more information and ensuring a full airing of potential conflicts of interest.

“We’re going to give each of them a thorough examination to determine whether they’ll actually stand up for workers against the special interests or rig the system even more,” said incoming Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, echoing some of Trump’s own campaign rhetoric.

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Democrats gave up their ability to block Trump’s nominees in 2013, when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid changed Senate rules and reduced the number of votes needed to end filibusters, or procedural roadblocks, on nominations from 60 to a simple majority, usually 51. Republicans, now in the majority, will hold 52 seats when the new session convenes next month.