China Ex-Vice Mayor Wanted For Corruption Returns From US

Published 7:13 am Wednesday, November 16, 2016

BEIJING — A former vice mayor and China’s most-wanted fugitive accused of corruption was arrested after returning from the U.S. on Wednesday in the latest success for President Xi Jinping’s battle against graft.

Yang Xiuzhu arrived in Beijing after spending 13 years on the run in countries across Asia, Europe and North America.

A former deputy mayor in the eastern city of Wenzhou, Yang, 70, is wanted in China for allegedly embezzling more than $40 million. She had sat atop the list of China’s 100 most-wanted graft suspects who Beijing has asked Interpol to help apprehend.

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Yang was immediately taken into custody after being led off a plane by a pair of policewomen. After passing through immigration, she was led into a room where she heard the charges against her read out by a prosecutor and signed a charge sheet.