Chamber News
Published 9:48 am Monday, November 14, 2016
- NEW MEMBER. Ambassadors welcomed Draayer Chiropractic to the Chamber with a ribbon cutting in their offices at 109 Avenue Street SE. Dr. Patrick Draayer, center, provides chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, nutrition and custom orthotic services. Pictured with Dr. Draayer are his wife, Kylea, and Administrative Assistant Andrea Sparks.
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NEW MEMBER. Ambassadors held a ribbon-cutting ceremony with Wyn Alexander, agent for Insurance Brokers of Minnesota, in front of his office at 909 12th Street SW. Insurance Brokers offers financial investments and insurance for commercial, farm and personal customers. Pictured alongside Alexander, center, is Sales Associate Dave Applen, who also serves as a Chamber Ambassador.
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NEW PUB. Primrose Retirement Community invited Chamber Ambassadors for a ribbon cutting, noting the opening of the facility’s new Primrose Pub. Primrose staff, pictured at center, were from left, Director of Nursing Lexy Smith, Executive Director Annette Ross, Sales Director Rebecca Earl, and Life Enrichment Coordinator Sophia Morse.
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