Austin native to speak about Haiti mission trips
Published 9:21 am Friday, September 2, 2016
The Austin Church of Christ will host Jill Ensor at 10 a.m. on Sunday as she talks about her mission work in Haiti.
Ensor, who grew up in Austin and graduated from Austin High School in 1973, began going on mission trips about 15 years ago, but has been especially committed to the work after the earthquake that ravaged the country in 2010.
With others, she formed the Mercy House Inc., a nonprofit to help the people of Haiti. With the help of Beloit Rotary, they bought six acres of land, put in a well and have completed a wall around the property.
They are now collecting money to build housing to start an orphanage type of facility. Many children die in Haiti because of disease caused by lack of good water. The well helped solve that problem.
The group has fed many neighborhood children every day and in some cases that is the only food they will get.
All are invited to hear Ensor share her experiences, which she said have had a tremendous impact on her life as she has gotten to know and care for the children.
Currently she is a teacher in Janesville, Wisconsin, and is the daughter of Bill and Darlene Hardy of Austin.