North Korea fires mid-range missile
Published 9:40 am Wednesday, August 3, 2016
SEOUL, South Korea — A medium-range ballistic missile fired Wednesday by North Korea flew about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) and landed near Japan’s territorial waters, Seoul and Tokyo officials said, one of the longest flights by a North Korean missile.
The U.S. Strategic Command said North Korea fired two presumed Rodong missiles simultaneously on Wednesday, not just one. The command’s statement said initial indications reveal one of the missiles exploded immediately after launch, while the second was tracked over North Korea and into the Sea of Japan.
North Korea has recently claimed a series of technical breakthroughs over its goal of acquiring a long-range nuclear missile capable of reaching the continental U.S. South Korean defense officials say North Korea doesn’t yet have such a weapon, but some civilian experts believe the North has the technology to mount warheads on shorter-range Rodong and Scud missiles that can strike South Korea and Japan.
According to the South Korean and Japanese announcements, one suspected Rodong missile lifted off from the North’s western Hwanghae province and flew across the country before falling in waters between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that it “strongly condemns” the missile launch because it explicitly shows the North’s intentions of being able to launch missile attacks on South Korea and neighboring countries.
Japan’s Defense Ministry said the missile landed inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone, the 200-nautical-mile offshore area where a nation has sovereign rights for exploring and exploiting resources. Japanese media reported it was the first North Korean missile that has splashed down in Japan’s EEZ.
“It imposes a serious threat to Japan’s security and it is unforgivable act of violence toward Japan’s security,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said.
The U.S. condemned the recent launches as violating U.N. Security Council resolutions that ban North Korea’s use of ballistic missile technology.
“This provocation only serves to increase the international community’s resolve to counter the DPRK’s prohibited activities, including through implementing existing UN Security Council sanctions,” said Navy Cmdr. Gary Ross, a Pentagon spokesman.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg also condemned the launch, saying North Korea should “immediately cease and abandon all its existing nuclear and ballistic missile activities in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner” and “refrain from any further provocative actions.”
North Korea has previously fired Rodong and other missiles into the sea, but South Korean analysts say Wednesday’s 1,000 kilometer flight was one of the longest for a North Korean test.