In political gamble, Trump to make trip to Mexico

Published 10:10 am Wednesday, August 31, 2016

EVERETT, Washington — Donald Trump will make a quick visit to Mexico on Wednesday, meeting with the president of a nation he derided as the home of rapists and criminals. The trip is a politically risky move for the Republican presidential nominee less than 10 weeks before the election.

It is not clear how Trump will be received in a country where he is widely despised. Beyond his disparaging comments about Mexicans, Trump has promised, if elected, to deport millions of immigrants who are in the United States illegally, force Mexico to build a huge wall to secure the nearly 2,000-mile border, and renegotiate the NAFTA trade agreement to make it more favorable to the United States. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has compared Trump to Adolf Hitler.

But it also offers Trump an opportunity to appear more presidential as he makes his first foreign visit since winning the nomination. Polls show him trailing Democrat Hillary Clinton in most of the key states that will determine the U.S. election. He is struggling to win over moderate voters, including Republicans, who are turned off by his brash rhetoric and controversial proposals on immigration and other matters. Some former Republican foreign policy officials have warned that Trump is unprepared to lead on the world stage.

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