George would have liked Hormel’s 125th celebration

Published 5:46 pm Saturday, August 13, 2016

The following article made me think of another reason George A. Hormel would have been pleased by the recent celebration of his company’s 125th anniversary.

The details of the day were described in the Aug. 26, 1908, Mower County Transcript.

“The 350 employees of the Hormel packing house held their annual picnic at Lafayette Park on Saturday. The procession formed at Central Park about 9:30 and marched in two lines up Water Street to Main and south to the park.  Tichy’s band led, followed by speakers of the day and the ladies of the office and company in carriages. The Hormel drum corps and the kukluk brought up the rear. The families of the employees were also guests making a large and merry company. At the park the exercises consisted of prayer by Rev. G.W. Lutz and an address by Geo. A. Hormel and Lafayette French.

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At 12 o’clock a bountiful dinner was served and the afternoon was spent in visiting and in sports.  A baseball game was played between the Hormel team and LeRoy, score 5 to 4 in favor of Austin.  It was a fine game.

In the contests the winners were:

Cracker eating, John Ellison

Bologna eating, John McDermott

Tug of war, office force

Fat man’s race, E.B. Smith

Ladies’ race, Mrs. Tony Lickteig

Boy’s shoe race, Fred Stark

Three-legged race, James Stephenson

The weather was delightful and all voted that the seventh annual picnic was the biggest and best yet.  In the evening the sales force of the Hormel Company, 35 in number, was entertained at a banquet at the Fox Hotel. A very pleasant occasion was enjoyed. These are the hustlers for trade and they are getting it in great chunks.

Many of the Hormel employees and their wives and sweethearts enjoyed a big dance at Maurek’s hall in the evening.”

George Hormel valued his company, his employees and their families. Treating them to a fun-filled day in which to celebrate their contribution to the company was obviously important to him. Though he was not here to lead the celebration this year, I do believe he would have been impressed by all the activities.

Teddy Bear Tour and Picnic

9 a.m. and 9:45 a.m., Wednesday

Following a tour designed specifically for those aged 2-10, crafts, snacks and songs will be offered in the Peace Garden. Please pre-register at 507-433-4243.

Cost is $4 for HHH members (up to 3 people) and $6 for nonmember (up to 3 people). Additional guests are $1 per person.

Peace Garden Concert: Sena Ehrhardt and Cole Allen Acoustic Duo

6:30 p.m., Aug. 23

Austin native musician Sena Ehrhardt and guitarist Cole Allen will entertain with their soulful and bluesy sound. Don’t miss this area favorite. Free