Take advantage of new partnership

Published 12:39 pm Sunday, June 12, 2016

Are you a person with a disability who self-directs your own life and services? Are you a family member or guardian who hires direct support professionals for a loved one with a disability? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you might be interested in taking advantage of The Arc Minnesota’s new partnership with the University of Minnesota’s DirectCourse.

DirectCourse offers more than 40 training programs that improve service practices and quality of life outcomes in support of people with disabilities. The training curricula are built on the fundamental principle that everyone deserves a rich and rewarding life.

The online training available through DirectCourse increase the knowledge and skills of support professionals, family members, other caregivers, and community members who are crucial to promoting community inclusion and individual safety, as well increased involvements in education, community living, recreation, employment and other outcomes important to people with disabilities.

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The Arc Minnesota is partnering with the University of Minnesota and DirectCourse to provide educational outreach and enrollment assistance to Minnesota families, people with disabilities and other community members to inform them of these free, self-paced and customizable training opportunities.

Courses are now available through four online colleges including:

•The College of Direct Support

•The College of Personal Assistance and Caregiving

•The College of Employment Services

•The College of Recovery and Community Inclusion.

To learn more visit http://www.thearcofminnesota.org/ and click on the DirectCourse link.