Society news
Published 6:32 pm Saturday, June 4, 2016
Y’s Women
Y’s Women met May 12 for a potluck supper at the Hormel Historic home. We enjoyed Josie Cummings, master gardener demonstrate container gardening. Her love of gardening showed in many beautiful arrangements she displayed.
Sharon Jensen conducted the meeting in which plans were made for next years programs. Anita Ulwelling reported on the success of the recent luncheon and card party. Donna Maas gave the secretaries report.
Sharon Jensen and Pat White served dessert.
This was the last meeting of the season, we will resume meetings in September. Callers will call with information on our September outing.
Duplicate Bridge
Results of Wednesday, duplicate Bridge, May 25.
First Place: Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; Second place: Vandy Newman and Ron Peters; Third place: Eunice Michaelis and Warren Behrends; Fourth place: Romelle Enderson and Bonnie Fritz
Duplicate bridge is played every Wednesday at noon at the Austin Senior Center. All players are welcome.