‘Quite the journey’; Pacelli graduates 12

Published 11:15 am Thursday, June 9, 2016

Green and white tassels with a golden ‘16 charm bounced around from the hats of students as the 2016 Pacelli graduates glided down the center aisle at St. Augustine Catholic Church.

Twelve students received their diplomas during the Pacelli High School graduation commencement ceremony Wednesday evening.

“It’s hard to believe our time as students at Pacelli is over,” Valedictorian Sarah Holtz said.

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Holtz has attended Pacelli since kindergarten and said prior to commencement that she has grown close with many of the students in her grade.

“They become your siblings,” she said.

Holtz will attend Luther College next year, but said she will miss the family atmosphere of Pacelli.

“You know everyone here,” she said.

During her commencement speech, she highlighted three important lessons she hopes her fellow classmates take away: Accept the future that God has planned, rely on others in times of need and stay true to themselves.

“Our values and beliefs may change,” she said. “…but what we hold in our hearts will not.”

Her classmate Bennett Kraemer, who will attend St. Mary’s University of Minnesota and major in philosophy, has attended Pacelli since first grade and has mixed emotions about graduating.

“I’m both excited and nervous,” he said. “We’re kind of like a family here at Pacelli.”

Sister Paul Mary Rittgers was the commencement speaker and serves as the Director of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Winona. She spoke about her experiences after high school and figuring out what she wanted to do with her future.

“Through college, I never asked what the Lord wanted of me,” Ritters said.

It wasn’t until nine years later that she found her true calling with the Lord in her vocation.

“The Lord has something more than you could ever imagine,” she said.

Rittgers hopes students allow God to guide them in their future and fulfill their lives.

“The ultimate way to find happiness is to follow the Lord,” she said.

Pacelli Principal Laura Marrel spoke about what she believed were each graduating students’ greatest gifts and what they have taught others.

“Use them well to serve one another,” Marrel said. “Thank you for your gifts and for the lessons you have taught.”

Seven Alpha Omega Awards were also handed out during the ceremony by Steve King, Trustee of Pacelli and graduate of the class of 1984. The award honors students who spent their entire educational career at the school.

“The Alpha Omega Award sets [students] at a whole different level,” King said.

Toward the end of her speech Holtz invited her fellow graduates to move their tassels and officially graduate.

“It has been quite the journey, but it is time to move on. We are now Pacelli alumni,” Holtz concluded.