Letter: A thank you to those that helped reporter

Published 9:01 am Sunday, June 19, 2016

June 4, 2016, was not a typical day in Austin. On this date, a benefit pancake breakfast was held at the Masonic Hall in Austin to benefit Jenae Hackensmith. Jenae is a young reporter from the Herald who has a very rare and unusual medical condition.

Members of the Masonic Bodies approached Jana Gray, publisher about this project and she along with the Daily Herald supported the idea from the beginning. Approximately 300 people came to eat pancakes, socialize, and support Jenae. In addition, to the ticket sales, donations were made along with products used at the breakfast.

The result was approximately $3,500 raised for a tremendous cause.

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On behalf of the Masonic Bodies in Austin (Masons, Eastern Star, York Rite & Shrine), Thank you to everyone who contributed to support Jenae.

Neil Hanson,

Secretary of the Masonic Building
