Letter: Thanks for helping with April benefit

Published 9:00 am Thursday, May 26, 2016

To everyone who attended and/or contributed to the recent benefit for the Troy Murphy Family cancer benefit on April 30 at the Eagles Club in Austin, Minnesota:

0526.LogoYour support and generosity is valued more than you can ever know. We deeply appreciate each and every contribution and wish to thank all of our family, friends, organizations and businesses that donated to the benefit in any way, shape or form. The event was unbelievable and humbling. It was truly amazing to see two communities come together and be part of a common cause.

Although we can’t cure this horrible disease, it was a wonderfully remarkable occasion and showed us clearly how joy can be found in even the darkest of situations. The outpouring support from everyone has provided us with enormous strength and comfort.

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Thank you and God bless!

Troy & Renae Murphy