Jordal files for second city term

Published 10:41 am Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Council member Michael Jordal has filed for a second term on the Austin City Council, after he “learned a lot” in his first term.



“I want to keep going and see what else we’re going to do in the next four years,” Jordal, 34, said.

Jordal moved to Austin after he graduated college to take a job at Robert’s Specialty Co. (now Old 218). His hometown is Forest City, Iowa, and has lived in Austin for the past 12 years with his wife Kate and three-year-old son Griffin.

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Since then, he’s been involved with Rotaract and organized Austi-Con, a gaming convention that was recently held in Austin and raised $1,253 for the Hormel Historic Home’s autism day camps.

“I want to continue being a voice on the council,” Jordal said.