Olympic curler to give curling clinic
Published 10:30 am Monday, April 25, 2016

John Benton, a 2010 Winter Olympics competitor, will hold a curling demonstration this Saturday. Photo provided
Austin will get a close up look at what elite curling looks like when a former Olympic curler comes to Riverside Arena on Saturday.
John Benton, who competed in the 2010 Winter Olympics and was an NBC Olympic commentator in 2014, will be on hand to hold a clinic and help demonstrate the sport. The event is open to the public and will run from 1 to 4 p.m.
Guy Minnich started the Austin Curling Cub in Austin in 2015 and he’s hoping this event, which is being held with the help of Austin Parks and Recreation, will help get curling going in town.
There have been as many as 20 to 30 curlers showing up for the curling league at Riverside Arena on Monday nights, but the numbers have been inconsistent.
“I’m going to use him as my poster child to hopefully get things up and running,” Minnich said. “I thought if I’d get a high profile guy here, maybe we could actually get the sport going.”
Minnich has known Benton for nearly 20 years and he got to know him from bass fishing in Lake Minnetonka. Minnich has curled for six years now, but he wishes he would’ve started earlier.
“I wish I would’ve started back then [when I met Benton],” Minnich said.
The open house with Benton will allow area residents who are interested in curling to watch Benton tell his story and how he got into curling. They will also get a chance to get out on the ice and and try it out for themselves.
The Monday after the open house, an eight-week curling league will begin at the price of $10 a night.
“We’re hoping we can get it going in town,” Minnich said. “Park and Rec has been working with me and we’re hoping to make it work.”
Contact Minnich at 507-438-4266 or austincurlingclub@yahoo.com for more information.