Pacelli schools seeking donations for annual Benefit Auction

Published 9:27 am Friday, March 4, 2016

On April 23 Pacelli Catholic Schools will celebrate its 24th annual Benefit Auction and everyone is invited to take part.

Many organizations wait for the 25th anniversary to make the celebration special, but Pacelli is not waiting. Organizers plan to make this the event of the year within the Austin community. The theme is “Oh So Rustic, Oh So Chic.”

The event has been expanded throughout the day at different venues on the Pacelli campus. The silent auction will begin at 9 a.m. with a free-will breakfast and student entertainment, held in Jennings Hall below St. Augustine Church. Everyone is invited with no ticket necessary. The ticketed event will continue with food, festivities and fun, along with the live auction that evening at Pacelli Middle/High School.

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The proceeds of this event have been instrumental in supporting the education provided to students. With an increase of enrollment again this year, everyone’s help is needed. Donations for both the live and silent auctions are needed, and all donations are greatly appreciation and will be auctioned off to bring in the most money possible.

As a donor to the Benefit Auction, donors will be advertised in the event catalog that is distributed to over 400 homes and businesses within the Austin community.

Contact organizers at 507-437-3278 or to donate or for more information. All donations are requested by March 18.

The silent auction and morning and early afternoon activities are open to the general public, and table reservations for the evening celebrations are ticketed.