Austin Public Schools Board member receives award
Published 6:34 am Friday, March 4, 2016
An Austin Public Schools Board member received an award at the Minnesota School Board Association, MSBA, annual convention at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Jan. 14. Board member Don Leathers was presented the Director’s Award for earning 100 hours or more in training programs over the first four years of his term. Leathers, along with 35 other board members from around the state, were presented with plaques of recognition and lapel pins which honor their achievement.

Don Leathers was presented the Director’s Award for earning 100 hours or more in training programs over the first four years of his term.
“The Director’s Award is a pretty important achievement for me,” Leathers said in a press release. “In order to receive the recognition, an individual must attend conferences and seminars throughout the year that help him or her perform the job as a board member effectively.”
“As part of earning the award, I’d like to thank the Austin Public Schools administration team, especially Superintendent David Krenz, for encouraging board members to better themselves through education development,” Leathers continued. “Without their support, I would not have been as successful reaching my goal.”
Other awards are presented to board members at the annual convention, but the next step for Leathers is the President’s Award, given to board members who have attained 300 or more hours of educational training. This year, only 15 board members in Minnesota received that recognition.
Leathers said he isn’t looking that far ahead quite yet.
“That’s a long way off in the future,” he said in the release. “Right now, I’m just happy doing the work of being a good board member for Austin Public Schools. It’s a very rewarding experience.”