Austin 4th grade girls take first

Published 12:57 pm Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Austin Youth girls basketball 4th grade team took first in the Cougar Classic recently. The team includes: Arianna DeLuna, Laura Bekaert, Marissa Shute, Payton Pavelka, Kailee Aldrich, Gracie Schmitt, Allison Soukup, Marie Tolbert, Nadia Souvannarath, Neviah Compton and Nyarout Deng. Photos provided: Coaches Chris, Chrissy DeLuna, Assistants coach John Souvannarath and AJ Shute. Photo Provided

The Austin Youth girls basketball 4th grade team took first in the Cougar Classic recently. The team includes: Arianna DeLuna, Laura Bekaert, Marissa Shute, Payton Pavelka, Kailee Aldrich, Gracie Schmitt, Allison Soukup, Marie Tolbert, Nadia Souvannarath, Neviah Compton and Nyarout Deng. Photos provided: Coaches Chris, Chrissy DeLuna,
Assistants coach John Souvannarath and AJ Shute. Photo Provided

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