City truth in taxation meeting is Tuesday

Published 5:48 pm Monday, December 7, 2015

The Austin City Council will discuss its 2016 tax levy at $4.9 million during a public meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the council chambers of City Hall.

The city’s annual Truth in Taxation meeting will discuss its preliminary levy increase of $565,000 for next year, but that increase looks a lot larger than it really is, according to city staff.

The city will receive about $140,000 in new taxes from the Holiday Inn area, which has a tax increment finance district set to expire at the end of this year. That will cover about 3 percent of the increased levy.

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In addition, about 2 to 3 percent of taxes usually comes from new commercial and residential properties, which means a 6 to 7 percent increase is what will actually show up on tax bills next year.

Next year’s increase will go toward funding a new police officer, a new detective, a Jay C. Hormel Nature Center employee and a new parks and recreation department worker with the levy increase.

City staff would hire the nature center and parks employees midway through 2016 to save money.

Council members will also discuss a citywide bike rental program and the city’s fall yard waste program, among other things.