Prairie seed collection set for Saturday
Published 10:10 am Tuesday, October 20, 2015
The Izaak Walton League will collect prairie seed Saturday to help students learn.
The event will start at 10 a.m. at Mill Pond, north end parking area. The Austin Chapter 10 of the Izaak Walton League in conjunction with the Austin High School Go Green Club will collect seed from prairie plantings along the Mill Pond in Austin Saturday. Local prairie educator, Steve Williams, will be on hand to provide guidance on plant identification and seeds collected.
The goals are to collect seed to plant additional areas around Mill Pond, provide educational opportunities to students and the public, and provide seed for rain/pollinator gardens in and around Austin.
Austin Chapter 10 started planting prairie buffer strips along the Mill Pond in 2009. Prairie buffer strips enhance water quality by slowing down and stopping sediment and fertilizer runoff. It also provides pollinator habitat and aesthetic appeal.
Everyone is welcome to come and collect prairie seed. Please plan on bringing a paper grocery bag for seed collecting. Participants will meet at the Mill Pond north end parking area.