School board sets Truth and Taxation meeting

Published 7:13 am Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Austin Public Schools Board Truth and Taxation meeting will be held Dec. 14, 2015, at 6 p.m. after the regularly scheduled school board meeting.

The board will discuss the Payable 2016 levy and 2015/2016 budget at the Truth and Taxation meeting, and will allow members of the public to speak.

The board also:

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— Approved the 2015-2018 lease agreement with Queen of Angels Parish. Rent was increased by $2,500, or 2 percent annually.

—Discussed the annual strategic planning process, which utilizes elements from the Baldrige Criteria.

—Appointed authorization to Superintendent David Krenz and Executive Director of Finance Operations Mark Stotts to lease, purchase and contract for goods and services. While any big finance changes will be brought to the board, the day-to-day operations can be taken care of by Krenz and Stotts. This is an annual authorization.