Students rewarded by Austin Legion
Published 10:04 am Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Austin High School and Pacelli Catholic School students received the American Legion and Auxiliary Annual Americanism Awards recently. From left: Americanism chairman Steve Krob, Girls State AHS Aleesha Anderson, Girls State AHS Katlynn Schmick, Boys State Pacelli Catholic Schools Daniel Bollingberg, Boys State AHS Ryan Kempen, Commander of Legion Post 91 Roland Hanson, Americanism AHS Shane Johannsen, Americanism Pacelli Anthony Servellon. Photo provided
Several area students were recognized by the American Legion recently.
The American Legion and Auxiliary Annual Americanism Awards were presented April 26. Austin Post 91 Commander Roland Hanson welcomed the recipients and their families. Steve Krob, Americanism chairman, presented the Boys State Awards to Austin High School Junior Ryan Kempen and Pacelli Catholic Schools Junior Daniel Bollingberg. Annette Quinlan, Girls State Chairperson, presented awards to Aleesha Anderson and Katlynn Schmick from AHS and Sarah Holtz from Pacelli. Americanism awards were presented by Commander Hanson to Austin High’s Shane Johannsen and Anna Bachmeier. Pacelli’s Americanism recipients were Anthony Servellon and Maggie Leif.
Boys and Girls State representatives must be a junior class member in the upper 50 percent of the class, a leader, enthusiastic, have a good personality and character, get along with others, interested in a citizenship program, and demonstrate quality work in the classroom and the community.
These representatives attend a week long program in June. Participants are exposed to the responsibilities of American citizens.
The qualities for choosing the Americanism recipients are courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship and service. These qualities are inscribed on the medallions they received. This is the highest honor awarded American youth by the American Legion.