Minn. demonstrators protest Wisconsin police shooting

Published 9:57 am Thursday, May 14, 2015

MINNEAPOLIS — Protests have spread to Minneapolis over a prosecutor’s decision not to charge a white police officer for killing an unarmed biracial man in Madison, Wisconsin.

The Star Tribune reports between 50 and 100 people marched in downtown Minneapolis on Wednesday night. They took over a two-block section before heading to the Hennepin County Government Center, where the protest ended.

Minneapolis police tried to maintain order and clear streets, directing traffic away from demonstrators.

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The protest in Minneapolis follows Tuesday’s announcement from Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne, who said he wouldn’t charge Officer Matt Kenny in the death of 19-year-old Tony Robinson in March.

Ozanne said he found that Kenny used lawful deadly force after he was staggered by a punch to the head and feared for his life.