He’s going to Disney World; 4-year-old gets dream vacation via Make-A-Wish
Published 10:23 am Monday, May 4, 2015

Logan Clennon, 4, and his mom, Jennifer Clennon, are surprised to find friends and family gathered to wish the Clennon family a safe trip to DisneyWorld at Steve’s Pizza Saturday night. Trey Mewes/trey.mewes@austindailyherald.com
Logan Clennon has been a huge fan of Mickey Mouse almost from the womb, to hear his parents tell it.
According to Chris and Jennifer Clennon, Logan took to Mickey “ever since he was a baby.”
So it’s no surprise the 4-year-old Austinite is pretty excited to go to Disney World. For a boy with a rare heart condition, Logan couldn’t be happier.
Friends, family and members of the Make-A-Wish Foundation threw Logan a surprise sendoff party Saturday at Steve’s Pizza while the Clennons get ready to go to Disney World, courtesy of Make-A-Wish and Give Kids the World, a nonprofit specifically geared toward families who are visiting the theme park as a wish.
“I love Mickey!” Logan said as he posed next to an inflatable Mickey Mouse Saturday.
Logan was born with Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery (ALCAPA), an incredibly rare heart defect where the left coronary artery connects with the pulmonary artery rather than the aorta. It can cause serious issues for infants, which is why Logan had open heart surgery when he was just 4-and-a-half months old.
Though he still has a few artery issues, Logan is doing well enough to run around like any other child, even during his annual visits to the hospital.

Logan Clennon, left, poses with siblings and friends next to an inflatable Mickey Mouse Saturday at Steve’s Pizza. The Make-A-Wish Foundation is sponsoring a vacation to DisneyWorld for Logan and his family later this month.
Trey Mewes/trey.mewes@austindailyherald.com
Yet he was chosen by the Make-A-Wish Foundation to receive any wish he wanted.
Hence, Disney World.
“He loves watching Mickey Mouse so much,”Jennifer said. “It’s his absolute favorite.”
It took more than a year for the trip to come together for the Clennons. Chris had to get time off from work and the Clennons decided to wait until Kaylee, 6 and Camden, 2, were a little older.
“It’s pretty awesome,” Chris said. “We want to thank everyone so much for helping put this together.”
Logan and family will head to Florida in a few weeks, where they’ll get the chance to meet the whole Disney gang — Goofy, Donald, Minnie and the mouse himself.
“I don’t even have any words,” Jennifer said. “We’re so grateful.”