MPCA backs new ways to protect wild rice

Published 10:12 am Wednesday, March 25, 2015

MINNEAPOLIS — The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency unveiled a new site-specific approach Tuesday for protecting waters where wild rice grows against sulfate pollution that’s meant to replace a 1973 state law that largely went unenforced until recently.

The dispute over whether the old standard is obsolete set up a politically charged clash between the state’s iron mining industry and Iron Range legislators on one side versus American Indians who consider wild rice a sacred food source and environmentalists who support them.

Minnesota’s current law sets the sulfate limit at a flat 10 milligrams per liter for all lakes and streams that support wild rice stands. The MPCA’s new plan, rather than relying on a single limit, proposes a complicated mathematical formula for calculating allowable sulfate levels for individual wild rice waters, based on how much iron and organic carbon are in the sediments where the plants are rooted.

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The MPCA plans to begin a formal rulemaking process late this summer or early fall to change the standard, a process that could take two years from then. The agency also compiled a draft list of about 1,300 waters that would be subject to the standard, and said others could be added later.