Governor calls for more tax relief, school spending

Published 10:04 am Wednesday, March 18, 2015

ST. PAUL — Dismissing a Republican push to fully reimburse Minnesota’s $1.87 billion surplus, Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton proposed a revised budget plan Tuesday he says would do more good for the state’s economy by investing in college students and families with school-aged children.

Dayton’s revisions were made possible by the state’s enlarged projected surplus, which climbed by almost $900 million from the time he produced his initial two-year budget in January. He would parcel out all but $13 million, with more money going for nursing homes, welfare grants, preschool programs and college aid and for tax relief targeted at lower-income families.

When his original plan and the rework are combined, Dayton directs roughly half of the surplus to education initiatives.

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He contrasted it with the “give it all back” TV ad campaign by the state GOP campaign, which says every resident is entitled to a $350 slice.

Dayton said those types of tax cuts are like M&Ms candy, giving people quick satisfaction but leaving them no better off in the long run.