Austin school district always cutting costs

Published 10:09 am Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Austin Public Schools District is continuously looking for ways to cut costs, but not due to budget cuts.

The Austin Public Schools Board approved a resolution to allow school administrators to cut costs whenever possible without interfering with student learning at it’s regularly scheduled meeting Monday in the City Council Chambers. Finance and Operations Director Mark Stotts said this is something administration does every year.

“It’s more of a reminder that we’re constantly looking for cost savings in our operations,” Stotts said. “By the board approving it, that means we don’t have to take every little thing we do to the board.”

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Administration would still need to discuss large changes with the board.

Administrators look at many different aspects, including reorganizing departments, reducing programs and/or positions, reassigning duties and other areas that could save the district money. Yet this does not mean the district will cut programs or positions, but simply make sure there are no loose ends that are costing more money than they have to.

“We are always looking for ways to save money, it doesn’t mean we’re reducing programs or reducing teachers,” Stotts said. “It’s more of an operational type resolution.”