The Rotary Club’s students of the month

Published 9:03 am Friday, February 6, 2015

Matt Retterath

Activities/Hobbies: I love to run and compete in cross-country. I’m involved in choir, orchestra, National Honors Society, and youth leadership. I really enjoy traveling throughout the U.S. and Europe.



Award/Recognitions: I have received a superior rating at solo and ensemble contest, a varsity letter in orchestra and cross country, and Young Citizen of the Year in 2010.

Thoughts on your educational experience so far: Since kindergarten up until now, I believe Austin has provided me with a great deal of outstanding education. I am definitely prepared for my next steps in life.

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Plans for the future: I will be attending the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, double majoring in biology and chemistry, with a minor and Master’s Degree in education.

Thoughts about your experience with the Rotary club: Rotary is quite a fun afternoon event to attend. It’s very interesting learning about the different things happening within and impacting our town.

Alexandra Smith

Activities/hobbies: I am involved in the Sentinel student newspaper, yearbook, Austin Packer Dance Team, tennis, Link Crew, NHS, Scarlet Cord, and band. Outside of school, I love going to concerts, traveling, and attempting to play guitar.



Thoughts on your educational experience: I have had a great experience so far and it’s bittersweet to see it come to an end in the coming months. I have had some great teachers who have taught me so much and given me opportunities to further my learning. My time at AHS has given me a good foundation to continue my education.

Plans for the future: I plan to study journalism at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

Thoughts about my experience with Rotary: Though my time at Rotary was cut short due to cold temperatures and a holiday, I enjoyed my time. It’s cool to see some of Austin’s community leaders come together to discuss what’s happening in our town. Even though I’ve learned here for 17 years, I still learned something new about Austin each week.

Awards/Recognitions: I am a captain of APDT and received honorable mention at Big 9 a few weeks ago, as well as the most improved dancer award last year. I earned the AP Scholar Award last summer, and have also received the Spotlight on Scholarship award every sports season I’ve participated.