Austin seventh grade girls take first

Published 6:44 pm Monday, February 9, 2015

The 7th grade Austin girls basketball team took first place in their tournament in Austin on Jan. 25. Back row (left to right): Erica Lundberg, Brittany Wolter, Emily Bollum and Carly Snee; front row: Destiny Gray, Grace Mayer, Ellie Tupy and Elyse Hebrink -- Photo Provided

The 7th grade Austin girls basketball team took first place in their tournament in Austin on Jan. 25. Back row (left to right): Erica Lundberg, Brittany Wolter, Emily Bollum and Carly Snee; front row: Destiny Gray, Grace Mayer, Ellie Tupy and Elyse Hebrink — Photo Provided

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