AHS students show off their art

Published 9:59 am Friday, January 9, 2015

Dreamcatchers hang from the light bar in Knowlton Auditorium, showing off the different types of artwork students have done this semester. Photos by Jenae Hackensmith/jenae.hackensmith@austindailyherald.com

Dreamcatchers hang from the light bar in Knowlton Auditorium, showing off the different types of artwork students have done this semester. Photos by Jenae Hackensmith/jenae.hackensmith@austindailyherald.com

Austin High School showcased some of its talented artists this week.

For the 20th year, AHS held its annual art show to feature student artwork. Although the cold weather canceled the first day of the show Wednesday, the second day was on full display in Knowlton Auditorium Thursday.

Sophmore Grace Thoen, 15, had four pieces in the show this semester, including drawings with pen and ink, colored pencil, artist marker and pencil.

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“My favorite is pen and ink because I like how clean it looks,” she said.

Thoen said she also liked her pen and ink drawing because the flower she drew reminded her of summer despite the bitter cold this week.

The show was open to the public, and art teacher Barry Brobeck was excited that the public had a chance to see the students’ work.

“It gives the public an opportunity to see work that they normally wouldn’t see,” he said. “A lot of times kids don’t bring their artwork home.”

Brobeck was excited about the show this year and hoped for a good turnout despite snow and blustery winds Thursday.

Members of the Art Club sit in Knowlton Auditorium at the high school collecting votes and guarding the artwork at the Austin Art Show.

Members of the Art Club sit in Knowlton Auditorium at the high school collecting votes and guarding the artwork at the Austin Art Show.

People voted on what they feel were the best pieces, and Thoen and several other students manned a booth near the artwork Thursday to take voting cards. There is a show for each semester, and a final show near the end of the year showcasing the best of each show.

“The [students] take really great pride in doing the work, and so to have it displayed I think is really important to them,” Brokeck said.

Although Thoen said it feels good to be in the art show — knowing she was good enough to make it — she also enjoys art just for the creative process.

“I think it’s really relaxing and it’s a good creative outlet,” she said.

Senior Julieta Cervantes, 18, has enjoyed the art show and the art club for the past four years. Although she didn’t have any pieces in the show this semester, as she wasn’t in any art classes, her work has been featured in the past.

“It’s just great to see that other people can be inspired by [your work],” she said.

Cervantes said it wasn’t only nice to see her own work appreciated, but to see the achievements of other students as well. She said there is a lot that can be learned from looking at friends’ or family’s artwork. She also enjoys the creative process it takes to create the artwork.

“It gives me kind of a release and cool down from all of the academic stress you have sometimes,” Cervantes said.

She noted people have been amazed at the artwork young students create when they work hard and put their mind and soul into something.

The three art teachers brought their classes to the show Thursday to give students a chance to see the artwork and vote. Students also were able to visit the show during free periods.