VFW Veterans Day schedule set
Published 4:52 pm Saturday, November 8, 2014
Veteran’s Day means something different to everyone, but it all comes back to the same thing: honoring friends, relatives, and complete strangers alike for fighting for freedom. The VFW, along with the Austin Public Schools District, will be honoring veterans through breakfasts, a Fallen Soldier monument dedication and different programs and ceremonies on Tuesday. The schedule is as follows
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Color Guard schedule
7:45 a.m.: The VFW Color Guard will visit Neveln Elementary School’s breakfast and program.
7:45 a.m.: Norm Hecimovich will visit Ellis Middle School for breakfast and be a guest speaker.
Events at the VFW
4 p.m.: The Fallen Soldier dedication with Eagle Scout Sam Hagan will take place at the VFW. Norm Hecimovich will M.C. the Pledge of Allegiance. Commander Scott Wiechmann will say a welcome and thank you speech, and will introduce Sam Hagan, who will explain his project. Rollie Hanson POC American Legion Post 91 will fire a 21 gun salute followed by taps. The Color Guard will be dismissed.
4:30 p.m.: An American Flag retirement ceremony will take place.
5 p.m.: A raffle ticket drawing will take place.
5:15 p.m.: A POW/MIA program with a display will take place with POC Nate Lee.
5:30 p.m.: A dinner for all veterans and guests, with POC Don Konken. Veterans and their wives eat for free; other guests can eat for $7.
7 p.m.: Dinner serving will be completed.